Contemporary Audiovisual Experiences


  • Jair Sanches Molina Junior ECA-USP


Reflecting on real-time imagery and sounds experiences is thinking about a wide range of possibilities and experiences for humanity, from the earliest times. Because the real time audiovisual experiences are numerous in time and space, and already widely quoted in different studies, this presentation aims to make a more restricted cut off to real time audiovisual experiences in the contemporary cinematographic field: an art, medium and an expanding process that culminates in the existence of a semiotic phenomenon, performed mainly through experimental modes, not necessarily with the presence of performers in front of the screen, but mainly with the presence of the author(s) directing the audiovisual experience in real time, together with the technological apparatus, the cast, and the viewers, all participants in the editing and exhibition of the audiovisual work at the same time as it occurs, in direct transmission to the cinema screen, monitors, digital screens or architectural spaces. Based on audiovisual works carried out between 2007 and 2017 we will develop a reflection and analysis of the poetic and techniques of audiovisual experiences in real time. In order to understand with a closer look the possibilities of creation in live cinema and contribute with reflection on these forms of the contemporary audiovisual, whose means and processes are in continuous expansion of its borders. In aesthetics of the cinema, this research follows in continuity to the studies and practices of the experimental cinema, and in its vertex to the expanded cinema.


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How to Cite

Molina Junior, J. S. (2019). Contemporary Audiovisual Experiences. SET INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BROADCAST ENGINEERING, 4, 6. Retrieved from



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