Spectrum Availability for the Deployment of TV 3.0


  • Thiago Soares University of Brasilia
  • Paulo Eduardo dos Reis Cardoso
  • Ugo Silva Dias


In this paper, we study the current and future spectrum availability of the VHF and UHF bands in Brazil for the deployment Next-Generation Digital Terrestrial Television Systems, which are being studied under the “TV 3.0 Project” initiative, coordinated by The Brazilian Digital Terrestrial Television System Forum (SBTVD Forum). Coverage simulations of all expected operating television stations were computed in different scenarios to estimate the spectrum usage over the Brazilian territory. Results indicate that even after the analog TV switch-off there will be no spectrum availability in the main metropolitan regions for simulcast transmissions between the current ISDB-Tb System and the future TV 3.0. Hence, hybrid approaches should be implemented to smoothly introduce a new digital television system in Brazil.


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Como Citar

Soares, T., dos Reis Cardoso, P. E., & Silva Dias, U. (2022). Spectrum Availability for the Deployment of TV 3.0. SET INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BROADCAST ENGINEERING, 8, 11. Recuperado de https://revistaeletronica.set.org.br/ijbe/article/view/244



Broadcast spectrum issues – re-packing, sharing